A member asked:

About how many millimeters would a sulcus have to be to show the need for gum flap surgery (vs. wait & see) by a dental specialist?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Sulcus depth: Generally any probing depths in excess of 4-5mm are indicating early to moderate signs of destruction of attachment taking place and anything 5mm or deeper is impossible to completely clean with normal brushing and flossing. When attachment and bone begin to show signs of deterioration depending on how widespread it is in the mouth you are moving into gum surgery territory.

Answered 11/26/2014



S and RP first: Gum flap surgery is recommended in areas previously treated with scaling and root planing. S and rp is performed first. This way we can see if you made progress. S and rp is considered non- surgical, which means less cost and less post operative discomfort. If this is unsuccessful then surgery may be recommended. Any gum treatment performed must have the patient 100 % committed to good home-care.

Answered 6/14/2013



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