I could guess but...: Many people have curiously-shaped costal arches and occasional one or more arches may detach -- but any mass that you discover is worth a physician's office visit. I wouldn't want to be the one here who urged you to wait with a serious bone tumor. Good luck.
Answered 5/13/2013
Rib or liver: The lower edge of the liver is just below the lower edge of the rib cage and sometimes can be felt in thin patients when they take in a deep breath. Gall bladder very hard to feel. May also be 12th rib which can be mobile. If concerned then see md.
Answered 4/13/2014
Maybe Liver: Liver may be palpable in very thin normal subjects with the edge of the liver just below the costal margin. It is soft and smooth and may be slightly tender. Note that on inspiration the liver moves down in the abdomen, and this may assist you in feeling the liver edge especially when the liver is enlarged. Sometimes the lower pole of the right kidney is just felt in normal subjects.
Answered 11/28/2020
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