A member asked:

I'm 55 and in 2020 i had start to use a method of self catheterizing to release urine. my bladder stopped working,in 2020 after an emergency surgery for sma blockage,a foley was placed. is there any test to see why or anything to correct my issue?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Hiep Le answered

Specializes in Nephrology and Dialysis

It seems you have suffered neurogenic bladder after that catastrophic event. It has been three years so chance of recovery of bladder function is poor. However, you should see a urologist for a reevaluation. Good luck.

Answered 10/2/2023



Yes there are. Suggest you find a Urologist who specializes in Neuro-Urolog at an academic center. Hopefully the problem will be found and corrected. Good luck

Answered 10/3/2023



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