A member asked:

Hi, i had an echo showing 12 mm septal and 9 mm lv posterior wall thickness. also 34 mm left ventricle in diastole and 24 mm in systole. i am a 30 year old 5 foot 10 160lb female. the echo report states everything is normal and just wanted input?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Andrew Seibert answered

Specializes in Gastroenterology

If the echo report says that your findings are within the normal range throughout, I would not be concerned about the actual numbers. If you have a specific concerns, speak to the person who ordered the echocardiogram. Good luck.

Answered 6/18/2023



We're guided by what the references of normal values are on testing, Apparently your values were within normal limits. Your left ventricle showed healthy relaxation and ejection of blood. You could check with a cardiologist for reassurance if you still have concerns.

Answered 6/18/2023



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