A member asked:

2 different doctors gave 2 different answers to my echo. the ordering doctor, my pulmonologist, said i have chronic right-sided congestive heart failure after viewing the echo and when i asked my main doctor he said that is to do with my lungs. help?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

If you don't have disease of the pulmonic or tricuspid heart valves, chronic left ventricular congestive heart failure,history of pulmonary emboli or of primary pulmonary artery hypertension then chronic lung disease has to be suspected as the cause of your right heart CHF.. Do you have COPD or chronic bronchial asthma?

Answered 4/29/2023


Dr. Silviu Pasniciuc answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

They are likely both right, first described the findings and diagnosis, second shared what he believes caused the heart failure. Always OK to clarify with your doc’s whenever possible.

Answered 4/29/2023



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