A member asked:

Worried it's giving me bad anxiety when i workout and i can't feel that pounding heart beat? just walking to my car short breath bad . lump throat feeling constant. + metha challeng airway disease pft.heart/lung doc ct bronchosc echo stress tes fine

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Al Hegab answered

Specializes in Allergy and Immunology

U need. counseling : See a psychiatrist soon, given that all the tests you ran ruled out organic cause for your troubling symptoms. If you don't have a direct access to a psychiatrist, consult your primary doctor, good luck

Answered 5/11/2017


Dr. Heidi Fowler answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

Anxiety: If your doctor has advised you that your medical workup is normal, consider that anxiety might be causing these symptoms. If that is the case, consider working with a psychotherapist. Take care.

Answered 5/11/2017



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