A member asked:

Normal blood tests rule cancer ? my brother died lukemia every doc is saying anxiety. heart doc tests echo / holter / stress echo / ekg lung doc bronchosco / ct scan and full gastro workup / all scopes endo colons capsule. headach daily weak pulse

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Jose Prieto-hernandez answered

Specializes in Infectious Disease

N Test Normal Pt: If normal Blood Test/Normal Work ups Then I agree Anxiety is the culprit of your headaches. Recommend Sleep at least 8 hours, Meditation, Yoga ,Tai Chi and Iso metric Exercises to get your pulse back to being strong!

Answered 1/22/2021



Normal blood tests: Normal blood test (blood cell counts "CBC"), no fevers, and a normal physical exam are good news. Symptoms of leukemia include fatigue, weight loss, frequent infections, and easy bleeding or bruising.

Answered 2/8/2018



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