A member asked:

Dypsnea /chest crackles and tightness.. battled with hypertension. x-ray came out good ,echo showed early hypertensive heart disease changes with ef=83% im 20 bp back to 120/70 dypsnea reduced a little diagnosed with anxiety disorder help please?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Sue Ferranti answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

It’s important to keep your blood pressure controlled. You should see a lung doctor about the crackles and chest tightness. If this isn’t heart failure then you need to know what is causing this as it may be causing your dyspnea or at least a contributing factor. So, see a lung doctor for evaluation. Good luck to you!

Answered 3/2/2023



Your abnormally high left venticular ejection fraction is a characteristic of a significant cardiomyopathy and you may well have congestive heart failure with high NT-proBNP. Evaluation & treatment should be by a cardiologist as congestive heart failure in the presence of reduced diastolic filling pressure calls for proper medication use for both the hypertension and congestive heart failure

Answered 3/6/2023



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