A member asked:

31/m- ecgs always show rbbb related changes (especially at fast heart rate). stress echo done 6 months back normal. in 2016, perfusion + tmt - normal. in 2011 (age-21), angiography normal. anxiety + chest itichness+ soreness (most of the day).help?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Since you have no obvious structural heart disease and your RBBB is rate related, your longterm prognosis as far as the heart is concerned is good. In my opinion your symptoms are more anxiety related. I'm sure your cardiologist would agree with me on both counts.

Answered 3/21/2023


Dr. Sue Ferranti answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

It appears that your symptoms are unlikely to be heart-related. Your symptoms may be more chest wall related. Are there any skin changes? Perhaps a rheumatologist could be helpful to assess for an autoimmune condition. Going back to your primary care doctor is likely the next step to discuss options. Best of luck to you!

Answered 3/21/2023



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