A member asked:

74 year old mother, fatigued, thalassemia and low iron, needs blood transfusion. all other scans (she fell) are normal, head, chest, abdomen, heart. they found blood during digital rectal exam, could this be colon cancer? her mom had colon c at 45?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Silviu Pasniciuc answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Definitely colon cancer will have to be ruled out in this context. Other conditions remain possible as well and a thorough work up will be needed in order to find the cause of her severe anemia.

Answered 11/9/2022



It is hard to say. But with this history it is best that she be sen by a GI doc and then decide what other tests to do next. good luck

Answered 11/9/2022



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