A member asked:

Vitd2 1.25 mg toxicity possible? x 1 yr b/c level=14. er visit-gas pocket might be cause of upper chest pain.ekg/x-ray/lab=good.bp high.md recom.prune juice. been dizzy/headaches/anxiety/less sleep/acid reflux. what could be wrong?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Clarence Grim answered

Specializes in Endocrinology

Need normal values for your lab. The ones u give would be low so not Vit D toxicity. Discuss with local Dr.

Answered 10/25/2022



You'll need more than an ER evaluation to sort out your various issues. Consult a specialist in internal medicine who will take a thorough history & system review,perform a complete physical examination & order a battery of appropriate tests in order to make a differential diagnosis & advise or refer you. If chronic anxiety is felt to be a major problem, stress management therapy should be helpful

Answered 10/19/2022



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