Once built up you need to see a dental hygienist to clear it off. Going forward you need to brush regularly, preferably with an electric toothbrush, and floss every day. You could also use a water flosser every day.
Answered 7/10/2022
Start with a professional cleaning at your dentist... you'll know that your teeth are spotless. Then brush and floss twice a day and reach every nook and cranny. Even with all that effort you'll miss a few spots, so visit your dentist every six months for another professional cleaning and exam.
Answered 7/10/2022
Plaque is soft sticky collection of bacteria/food debris. Easily removed w 2x/day brushing & DAILY flossing. Makes harmful chemicals. If not removed daily calcium in saliva hardens plaque into tarter that you cannot remove. So see your Dentist 2x/year for professional cleaning. Pls sue damages gums chemically. Tarter damages gums mechanically. No OTC or computer click solution. See Dentist.
Answered 7/19/2022
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