A member asked:

Trying to eat better. ive stopped snacking after 530. i get very hungry and feel sick as i dont go to bed until late. but snacking at 7-8 has caused me to gain so much over the last year. what can i try to minimize hunger at night?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Deborah Ungerleider answered

Specializes in Pediatrics

That’s great that you’re trying to eat healthier! Your body may need to get used to the different eating schedule. However, if it’s making you not feel well, you are less likely to continue. Try healthier snacks rather than nothing to eat at all (fruits, raw veggies, protein, such as a slice of turkey) and drinking plenty of water (not too close to bed or you’ll be up at night to urinate).

Answered 1/4/2022



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