A member asked:

Rheu arth appt nx month. pcp ordered ra test came less than 14. autoimmune disease came out neg. i understand ra doc do more in depth blood tests for ra. any chance they will come out positive? mri on wrist show inflammation. fell 5,6 times wrists?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Rh Arthritis causes arthritis of the hand joints, usually is in more than 3 joints, causes AM stiffness, positive RF and positive CCP test. If you don't have these then your chances of having it are low. If there is a history of fall than trauma ought to be considered. Good luck

Answered 12/30/2021



The multiple falls on your wrists may have precipitated osteoarthritis. While not good, osteoarthritis is less dangerous than RA. The preliminary data you provided argues against RA. Wish you good health!

Answered 12/30/2021



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