Forceful heartbeat is common in people with extra beats like PVC and PACs. Following an early beat, the next one often is a bit delayed, so the heart fills with more blood than usual. Ejecting more blood makes that next beat feel strong, like the heart "jumping". Some people with PCs feel most such beats; others never do. Either way, it's harmless. Discuss with your doctor if still concerned.
Answered 11/6/2021
It is not uncommon to become aware of premature beats while you are at rest. Holter monitor has revealed premature beats the significance of which should be evaluated further. Arrhythmias such as these could be caused by anxiety, a thyroid disorder, medications or recreational drugs. A full evaluation by a cardiologist who should also be given hard copies of the Holter recordings would be next.
Answered 11/7/2021
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