A member asked:

I'm 35 years old and i haven't had a cycle in 3 months but just this week i noticed blood in stool and when i wipe in the front but never rely comes down don't know what is happening please help is it colon cancer?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Theodore Davantzis answered

Specializes in Dentistry

Multiple issues to examine. Amenorrhea can be caused by a multitude of factors and should be investigated by your OBGYN. Blood in your stool can also be a result of different issues, some quite benign. You should see a gastroenterologist for an examination.

Answered 10/13/2021


Dr. Erik Borncamp answered

Specializes in Wound care

Colon cancer would be very unusual in your age age. The most common cause of your symptoms would be simple hemorrhoids. If concerned, see your doctor for evaluation

Answered 10/13/2021



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