If you are drinking alcohol at 9 years of age, a dilated gallbladder is the least of your problems. Alcohol is a poison that never did anybody any good, ever, so stay away from it. It will destroy your brain cells, facilitate development of cancer in many organs, including breast, cause hepatitis, cirrhosis and pancreatitis etc. There is no safe level of alcohol intake. Quit while you are ahead.
Answered 8/12/2021
Most such liver spots are benign but some may be malignant. Your physician should sit down with the radiologist and ask whether a ct scan or MRI can shed more light on the diagnosis, whether a biopsy of the lesion is feasible or whether repeating the ultrasound in 3 months is a reasonable approach. You should also consult your gastroenterologist for advice.
Answered 8/12/2021
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