There is no ephedrine component in Pristiq. Prigtig has its effect as an antidepressant through the inhibition of serotonin and norepinephrine uptake. One side effect of Pristiq is tachycardia. Your heart rate is still less than 100 so it is not true tachycardia yet. However, if your baseline heart rate is less than 70 so the heart rate above 90 could be symptomatic. Please talk to your doctor.
Answered 7/15/2021
A couple of other pieces of information would help. Was your pulse in the 90s before starting Pristiq, or did it begin only after starting the drug? Either way, did you find that your pulse also ran in the 90s beforehand due to anxiety? This information will help establish just how much of an effect the Pristiq is having versus anxiety versus other causes like caffeine or recent exercise.
Answered 7/26/2021
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