A member asked:

I had my teeth pulled last august and had to wear ill fitting temporary dentures. i am still waiting on my permanent dentures. could that be why my jaw is starting to pop? i think it might be tmj?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Check with your dentist, as a nocturnal splint may be a temporary benefit. But not surprising that TMJ problems would occur with any ill fitting dentures. You may want to ingest soft foods in the interim.

Answered 6/30/2021


Dr. Theodore Davantzis answered

Specializes in Dentistry

It's been almost a year since you had interim dentures placed and you're still waiting for the final prosthetics? Are you having trouble eating (chewing) your food? Have your dentist stabilize the interim dentures and move a bit more quickly on fabricating the final set.

Answered 7/4/2021



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