A member asked:

My mouth when i open makes a popping sound and my jaw slides over is that tmj also does tmj cause permanent hearing loss thanks?

10 doctors weighed in across 5 answers
Dr. Richard Leaderman answered

Specializes in Periodontics

Yes: Tmj will cause popping sounds and a deviation of the jaw upon opening and closing. Check with your dentist you will most likely need a bite guard. No to the second part of your question. Tmj does not cause hearing loss. I have had patients with some hearing loss from tmj, but it is corrected with a bite guard.

Answered 4/6/2014



TMD: The popping you are hearing is probably coming from the temporomandibular joint (or tmj), and it sounds like you might have temporomandibular dysfunction (tmd). The noises and the slide of the jaw might be signs of the joint not working properly. If it is in the early stages, this can be successfully treated with conservative therapy (behavior modification). Doubt the hearing loss is associated.

Answered 4/9/2015


Dr. David May answered

ADD w/reduction: This could be anterior disc displacement with reduction, a temporomandibular joint disorder. Your eustacion tube is directly behind this joint and extreme pressure from the joint can cause abnormal hearing, usually it is more of a "stuffy" feeling in your ear canal. I would not consider this permanent, unless you never addressed the tmjd.

Answered 10/29/2016


Dr. Jeffrey Bassman answered

Specializes in Dentistry

YES and NO: Symptoms of tmj/tmd can include hearing problems, dizziness (equilibrium/balance difficulties, ) and other ear related problems. But tmd can also be wrongly diagnosed if the ear/ears are the source of the problem. I would first see an ENT doctor to rule out ear/inner ear infection, etc.

Answered 11/14/2015


Dr. Louis Gallia answered

Specializes in Surgery - Oral & Maxillofacial

TMJ: Yes, TMJ symptoms. Another TMJ symptom is SUBJECTIVE hearing loss. No measurable hearing loss. If you feel you have true hearing loss, see an ENT doc.

Answered 7/29/2016



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