A member asked:

I have three nodules on my thyroid. largest is solid isoechoic with peripheral calcifications and measuring 6x2.3x2.5cm i've just had my fna three days ago. i'm still waiting on results. what are your thoughts?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Thyroid nodules: That is a fairly large nodule and if you are in good health, it should most likely be removed. If the biopsy is positive for cancer the whole gland should be removed if the FNA is benign the side with the nodule should be removed.

Answered 2/21/2021


Dr. Clarence Grim answered

Specializes in Endocrinology

Thyroid nodules: I do not know what an FNA is. Do not use abbreviations. Trust you are being seen by an endocrinologist. Go to uptodate.com and read more. Then discuss with your team.

Answered 2/21/2021



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