A member asked:

Ive treated anxiety induced insomnia with talk & somatic therapy but still fall asleep fine but wake up at 2 or 3 am and cant fall back to sleep. used mezclizine nearly nightly for years to help. is this dangerous? alternatives? melatonin not help?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Robert Lang answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine - Endocrinology

Not good: The use in older people is associated with an increaed risk of dementia. Look up the Beer's list

Answered 1/1/2021



Need to examine: It is not feasible to provide a meaningful opinion without taking additional history, physical examination and may be some tests. It would be prudent to see your doctor and discuss if you may be depressed. Counter-intuitive as it may seem, exercise may help. Start with low intensity exercise such as walking and gradually increase the intensity as tolerated. Drink more water. Wish you good health!

Answered 1/1/2021



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