A member asked:

I am experiencing panic attack, moderate shortness of breath of sudden onset, that gets worse with psychological stress, exercise or physical activity, that is unaffected by lying down, and that gets better with rest, and that is unaffected by sitting upright, breast pain, stomach upset, emotional problems, feeling anxious, feeling depressed, trouble sleeping, and hopelessness.

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Using this site: You get the most from this site when you provide detailed information about a health issue followed by a clear related question. Room for a response is limited. In its present form your post is too vague to receive a focused response.You are welcome to start over & provide a clear question. Posts are not linked so each needs to contain all needed info/question.

Answered 9/12/2020


Dr. Heidi Fowler answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

Get mental health: Assistance. If you can find a quiet place - do so. Breath in slowly; deeply through your nostrils. Fill your lungs with air (but not to the point of discomfort). Hold for a count of six then slowly begin to exhale through an open mouth. Repeat at least 12 times, longer if you need to.

Answered 9/13/2020



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