A member asked:

My 5 year old has hgb 11.7,hct 34.3,mcv 70.9 ( low) mch 24.2,mchc 34.1,rdw 16.6 ( high),plt 340, # lymp 3.6 ( low),% lymp 53%,rbc 4.8.he is a normal active kid.can anyone explain the low mcv and high rdw,# lymp? he is a picky eater ,doesnt eat much?

A doctor has provided 1 answer

Iron deficiency : The combination of low MCV, increased red cell RDW and platelet elevation point to a moderate iron Deficiency, can check iron stores with more blood tests, but a daily vitamin with iron or more green leafy veggies in the diet like spinach will help with this,

Answered 9/8/2020



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