A member asked:

Had a mammogram and the result was abnormal. report states a 4mm irregular equal density was seen in left breast. need additonal views and possible ultrasound. very worried this is cancer?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. James Rotchford answered

Specializes in Addiction Medicine

Understandable: Nothing wrong to be worried about having a life threatening condition. Even if cancer, when caught early, death rates have gone down considerably. Address asap if only to better allay your anxiety. Surgical consult indicated.

Answered 2/28/2020



Agree with Dr. R: Doctors spot questionable areas in up to 8% of women who have screening mammograms. If this happens to you, you may need more tests. Of those women asked to return for further testing, only 10% will have breast cancer. So the statistics are in your favor. Wish you good health!

Answered 2/28/2020



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