A member asked:

I have a low immunodeficiency with my iga 0.38, igm 2,01 and igg 5,0- a vaccine called bacteck has been suggested. i continually have a huemophilis (spelling) influenza infection for the past two years. what can discovery suggest and can they commen?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Amrita Dosanjh answered

Specializes in Pediatric Allergy and Asthma

Prevent infection : Prophylactic antibiotics may be used two to three times per week during respiratory season in particular. A review of your culture results and symptoms by Healthtap may be reviewed during a virtual consultation. Other measures such as immune globulin may be discussed with your physician and an immunologist. Add anti tetanus and pneumococcal antibody titers.

Answered 12/22/2019



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