A member asked:

I need to know if i have to see a general practitioner to refer me to a radiologist for a mammogram or can i make an appointment by myself. i found a small lump under my armpit, my left arm pains and i recently start feeling pain underneath my nipple?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Stuart Hickerson answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Lump: Always possible you need a mammogram, but examination would be the best to start with. Also, if imaging needed ultrasound would very likely be first choice.

Answered 12/1/2019



Sounds like...: Time to see one's primary care doctor this week or next week. If needed, the doctor can refer to Radiology to do imaging studies of the breasts, and/or refer to other specialists in breast problems. All lumps in breasts have to be diagnosed, to make sure they are either ok or not ok. The evaluation begins with one's primary care doctor, not with a radiologist.

Answered 12/1/2019



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