A member asked:

2012 decided on abstinence from all alcohol-beverages my first migraine aura no headache was in 2000.in 2012-2019 when i stopped drinking the migraine auras returned until this present day .i was a light drinker glass of wine or larger a week,ideas?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Silviu Pasniciuc answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Interesting: Your question is suggesting that a glass of wine per week was protective against migraine auras that you have been experiencing for years on and off. There is still lots of information missing, such as what are your symptoms like, why did you decide on abstinence, what is that you tried for treatment for the last 7 years and so on. A neurologist eval should help otherwise in formulating a plan.

Answered 11/16/2019



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