Can be treated: Asthma can run in some families. Try to avoid things that may start wheezing, such as catching RSV bronchiolitis, breathing second-hand smoke, or playing in a moldy/dusty place (such as on old carpets). If a child starts wheezing, then he can get treatment for the wheezing or shortness of breath, and worry about a formal diagnosis later. Doctors treat breathing symptoms, with or without diagnosis.
Answered 10/12/2019
Virtual consult: A virtual inbox consultation may be helpful to your and your GP. There are many causes of shortness of breath at this age, but among the more common causes are asthma and post infection air inflammation. Allergic triggers of wheezing may include dust, mold, pet dander and pollen. Allergy testing may be completed by blood or skin testing. Treatment with Albuterol may be used to gauge the response.
Answered 10/16/2019
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