A member asked:

39 male. last week left nipple was a little painful. there's a lump.. now it itches sometimes & minor pain. any ideas what it could be?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Randy Stevens answered

Specializes in General Surgery

Infect hair follicle: You notice pain and now swelling in the nipple area. You could have an infected hair follicle from your shirt rubbing. Keep the area clean. Use a topical ointment for 2 weeks. If it is not better see your doctor.

Answered 6/23/2019


Dr. James Okamoto answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Difficult to know...: ..without further history and physical exam. It could be gynecomastia which can be caused by an increase in estrogen (yes, men DO produce estrogen!). Some medications or testosterone supplements can cause this. I recommend getting a thorough history and physical (possibly lab also) to find out the cause.

Answered 7/11/2019



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