A member asked:

Can your heart beat get weaker as time goes? maybe cancer or heart problems ? i been to heart / lung / ent / hemat doc bunch tests all good except + meth challenge airway disease. feel lump my throat and cnt feel heart beat in chest at rest or pace.

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Clarence Grim answered

Specializes in Endocrinology

Heat beat: Most do not feel heart beat so this is normal. Discuss with your team.

Answered 8/10/2017


Dr. Alan Heldman answered

Specializes in Cardiology

Detailed history: It sounds like you have a complex situation and have already had extensive testing. These little text boxes are not big enough to go through all the details, which is what a doctor would need to be able to help. You might consider a second opinion inbox consult here on HealthTap where you can share the records of your tests and have them reviewed.

Answered 8/15/2017



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