A member asked:

Seen heart,lung,ent,hemat/asthma doc bunch tests only thing found was + meth challenge airway disease. on advair and prtnx for reflux. 7mths still have lump feeling in throat and don't get pounding heart feeling beat gos faster. diff breathin pattern?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. John Chiu answered

See GI doc: I suspect that your reflux is likely the cause for your throat sensation and Prtnx may not be enough to control it. The fast heart beat is likely from the long acting bronchodilator in Advair. With just mild asthma (detected by methacholine challenge only), it is debatable whether you need to take Advair. Consider stopping it . Consider getting checked for vocal cord dysfunction as well.

Answered 8/10/2017


Dr. Amrita Dosanjh answered

Specializes in Pediatric Allergy and Asthma

Mgt: I agree that further assessment is needed. Pulmonary function testing and the asthma control test may help your physician to determine whether Advair is advisable. Avoid any triggers of allergic or pulmonary symptoms.

Answered 8/20/2017



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