A member asked:

How long does it usually take for a sprain ankle take to heal? can you play soccer with a sprained ankle

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Darragh O'Carroll answered

Specializes in Emergency Medicine

2-8weeks: anywhere from 2-8weeks. I would not reccomend playing soccer, an activity with ample side to side movement that requires intact ankle ligaments. You can start walking/light jogging if the pain isnt too bad, less than a 2-3 out of 10, but if more than that rest, Ice, compress it (ACE bandage), and elevate. (the RICE mnemonic)

Answered 11/10/2016


Dr. Ahimsa porter Sumchai md answered

Specializes in Sports Medicine

Six weeks & RICE: An ankle sprain is a serious musculoskeletal injury that accounts for 1 of 10 ER visits in the US and cause pain, swelling and bruising on the outside of the joint. Rest, ice, compression and elevation are basic. Most ankle sprains occur during jumping, pivot and explosive kick sports like soccer and basketball. Return to sports for a grade l ankle sprain is 2 weeks. Six for grade lll!

Answered 11/10/2016



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