A member asked:

When should i worry about dizziness? it occurs when head is titled or randomly. i am getting over a virus and on new antidepressant. very nauseating

6 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Akua Agyeman answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics

? labyrinthitis: The most likely diagnosis is labyrinthitis if you have just had a viral illness. The semicircular canals help with balance and are connected to the nausea center in the brain. Viral illnesses can affect them making you dizzy and nauseous. Since you have also just started a new medicine, it could be the reason. Discuss with your doc and perhaps stop taking the pills for a wk to see if it improve

Answered 3/26/2016



Viral Labrynthitis: If this is a new symptom for you and your doctors have told you that you are suffering just coincidentally from a viral labrynthitis then, the 2 are almost certainly related. If you had this symptoms BEFORE the virus then, you may have BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo- and No..I'm not swearing at you). Wanna chat about it? Let's make an appointment online: www.healthtap.com/dr-drsaghafi

Answered 4/26/2016



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