A member asked:

Constant dizziness & headaches for over a wk now. dizziness gets worse when i lay the back of my head against something. no fever, covid test negative and dr said ears look clear. husband had same symptoms wk ago. what could cause this? virus?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Heidi Fowler answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

Symptoms: If your husband had the same symptoms & recovered without use of antibiotics, it makes a viral syndrome likely.

Answered 10/2/2020



Headaches,dizziness: I've seen many cases of labyrinthitis but not with associated headaches going on for a week. Your dizziness does appear to be positional consistent with inner ear involvement which cannot be visualized with an otoscope. Migraine can be accompanied by vertigo. I'm not convinced your husband had the same disorder. If symptoms persist, I recommend consulting a neurologist for evaluation.

Answered 10/4/2020



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