A member asked:

My mom just got back her preliminary results from her biopsy which was taken from her adrenal gland. they have said that she has stage 4 adenocarcinoma that originated in her lungs. they have said that she has "spots" in lots of places in her body inclu

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Costantine Albany answered

Specializes in Medical Oncology

There are options: There are many options to treat lung cancer that has spread, this include chemotherapy, targeted therapy and clinical trials with the new immunotherapy that is showing good results. Please discuss treatment options with the oncologist.

Answered 8/21/2015



Sorry about Mom: Get two pathologists to sign off on the diagnosis. Your mother needs to make an informed decision whether to pursue chemotherapy / radiation or to opt for comfort measures only. Cherish all the time that the two of you have together. It may be several years, or she may go in a few more days. I am glad you are there for her.

Answered 8/8/2018



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