Not true : There are effective treatment options. It could be hard to treat but would not say it is irreversible. There is always hope.
Answered 4/4/2013
WHY: Why did they go in spasm ?Without knowing more difficult to answer but in general it is absolutely reversible just like any other muscle group, it may lead to other problems like tmd headaches n stuff but with right therapy you should be able to feel bette seek a neuromuscular dentist they will be able to help you.
Answered 4/4/2013
Not so: The purpose of an occlusal orthotic is to disrupt the feedback mechanism inducing the spasm and allowing the muscle to relax.
Answered 4/7/2013
Not true...: Just like any other muscles in the body, the muscles of the TMJ can go into spasm, and can be controlled or quieted. If diagnosed properly, treated early and properly, muscle spasm related to the TMJ can be reversed. However, disc dislocation and tearing of the tendons and ligaments cannot be reversed...
Answered 6/16/2015
No: Absolutely not!! Muscle spasm is a very treatable component of TMD.
Answered 3/18/2015
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