A member asked:

Fiance is tp1 diabetic and has unusual spikes that go up to 500 mg/dl. unbalanced diet, stressed, and hosp. 3x for low sodium. cant gain weight. help!

6 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Alvin Lin answered

Key=unbalanced diet: Unusual spikes, 3 hospitalizations & can't gain weight are all due to unbalanced diet. He needs to learn to eat in such a way as to avoid spiking his sugars, then dropping them. He also needs to learn to take his medications as directed by working closely w/his diabetologist to minimize risk of going blind, having a stroke/heart attack/amputation or going into kidney failure on dialysis.

Answered 8/22/2013



Get checked: In addition to careful regulation of diet and Insulin and frequent checking of blood glucose, the low sodium makes me think of adrenal insufficiency (addison's) which can occur in type 1 diabetics. Your doc can check this.

Answered 12/28/2016



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