A member asked:

Found a lump under arm hurts dissaperared but my breast hurt and feel a burning sensation i am 38yrs old can it be cancer ?

5 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Muaiad Kittaneh answered

Specializes in Addiction Medicine

Go see your doctor: It is impossible to make the diagnosis of cancer based on patient age and symptoms. While benign breast disease is more common, it is important that you get seen and examined by a physician. Further testing like mammogram, ultrasound and even MRI at this age may be necessary.

Answered 6/10/2014


Dr. Kenneth Lee answered

Specializes in Surgery - Plastics

Non specific: All of the symptoms described are non specific for breast cancer. The lump under your arm is likely lymph node enlargement not related to cancer (especially if it went away) and mastodynia is most likely hormone related. Nonetheless, if there is a family history - your risk could be increased at a younger age. Discuss your fear with your physician and see if early diagnostic testing indicated.

Answered 3/19/2013


Dr. Travis Kidner answered

Specializes in Surgical Oncology

Unsure: Pain is not a typical symptom of breast cancer. However you sure alert your friendly primary care physician as to your new symptoms.

Answered 4/4/2013



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