A member asked:

Neck, shoulder/armpit, arm pain, and a couple lumps in breast felt by dr. all on l side. i'm 23 years old. breast cancer?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Not always/depends,,: It doesn't always mean cancer. This can be fibrocystic disease with cysts that come and go with your cycle due to the hormones produced. It can also be benign lumps like fibroadenomas and the neck pain, etc. Can be unrelated. More tests like biopsy and scans may be needed, especially if you've got a family history of breast cancer so see your doctor to talk about what to do. Good luck.

Answered 7/19/2018


Dr. Joseph Accurso answered

Specializes in Radiology

Not likely, but: Need to complete workup. Given pain, would suspect infection. Please work with your doctor to find a cause and start appropriate treatment.

Answered 9/15/2013



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