A member asked:

Can symptoms of a hiatel hernia such as palpatations and shortness of breath be influenced by body position? mine gets worse lying down.

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. James Shoemaker answered

Specializes in General Practice

Reflux: Yes, the symptoms of hiatal hernia are made worse by lying flat because stomach contents may flow into the esophagus in this position, burning the delicate tissues with their acidic secretions. Prop the head of your bed up 2-4 inches with blocks of wood and sleep on 2 pillows. If you are overweight, weight loss will also help!

Answered 3/6/2013



Yes: It is variable what can cause worsening or alleviation of symtoms, but I have heard more than once that patients have had symptom exacerbation with position change.

Answered 3/11/2013



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