What is the cause: Since you don't mention the question is , what is causing her frequent tonsillitis. More than likely she has had a viral tonsillitis which caused the white exudate. The other question is whether she has mono. You had best get her evaluated by her physician since she is still unwell.
Answered 3/3/2013
Tonsillitis: Tonsillitis is often caused by viruses with spontaneous resolution. If your daughter is a younger child, the huge tonsils may still be developmental. If she is a teenager and still suffers from fever, malaise, fatigue, sore throat, headache, muscle aches, loss of appetite, she may have mononucleosis. In such case, she needs to be followed up by her pediatrician.
Answered 12/10/2013
See a pediatrician: Or an ENT doctor. It is possible she is just delayed in fully recovering from this illness, but you should make sure that there are no complications. Tonsils can remain quite large for some time after being infected, but can also be hiding abscess formation within or behind the tonsillar crypts. Hope she gets better soon. Good luck.
Answered 6/10/2014
Consider infection: Was she treated with antibiotics? Was the strep negative. Have to remember that there are other bacteria that cause tonsillitis that will be missed with strep culture so a broad spectrum antibiotic eg Augmentin (amoxicillin and clavulanate) or Cefzil may help along with brief steroids. Mono can cause lg tonsils with pus-steroids might help. Do blood test for mono. Big tonsils after infection common and usually shrink back.
Answered 6/24/2014
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