A member asked:

I recently took an a1c test and blood glucose. the results from the a1c is 7% and fasting glucose 84. would i be considered a diabetic?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Quang Nguyen answered

Specializes in Endocrinology

Need more tests: A1c of 7 is in the diabetes range but you can't make the diagnosis on one number. I recommend repeating the tests to confirm. Good luck.

Answered 9/15/2019



High blood sugars: Are = diabetes: fasting sugar 100-125 is pre-diabetes and > 2-hrs after eating 140-199 is prediabetes. Fasting 126 and higher and > 2 hours after eating 200 and greater is diabetes or hga1c 6.5 and higher = diabetes.

Answered 12/9/2013



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