Yes: By today's definition, an a1c above 6.5% is consistent with diabetes. If your fasting sugar is normal, it means that sugars later in the day, probably after meals are much higher than they should be. It is a good idea to do a 2 hr post prandial (after eating) sugar as well as a repeat hba1c to make sure it was accurate.
Answered 9/27/2017
No: But you are considered a prediabetic.
Answered 10/4/2016
Yes, : Fasting sugar 100-125 is pre-diabetes and 2-hrs after eating 140-199 is prediabetes. Fasting 126 and higher and 2 hours after eating 200 and greater is diabetes or hga1c 6.5 and greater = diabetes.
Answered 12/10/2013
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