A member asked:

I have a 6 month old baby and i've noticed she has an hard orange lump on the roof of her mouth about the size of a five pence should i be worried ?

8 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Doctor can check: A pediatrician can check, or a pediatric dentist can check. It sounds unusual to have an "orange" lump on the palate. Was there any injury such as a milk bottle with milk that was too hot? Details like that are helpful for the doctor. Little white firm bumps on young babies' palates or gums are "epstein's pearls", but are not "orange".

Answered 12/9/2013


Dr. Bruce J. Stringer answered

Specializes in Radiology

Have her evaluated!: Can't tell what's going on without a proper exam and maybe a biopsy. She may need imaging studies. If it is something to be worried about you want to get it checked out asap! if it is nothing of potential danger then you can stop worrying about it but you must have her seen soonest!

Answered 8/3/2017



Defiantly unusual: This is something that needs to be evaluated by a pediatric dentist and/or oral surgeon. It may be something that is unusual but not a problem, only an actual "hands on" exam will be able to tell you.

Answered 9/15/2013



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