Perhaps: Any lump or swelling should be investigated. Could be abscessed tooth or infected gums. See your general dentist asap.
Answered 2/16/2013
Evaluate: As with anything that may be out of the norm, i would recommend seeing a dentist for an evaluation. But small bumps in the mouth, that are usually the same pink color as the rest of the tissue, are many times normal, benign occurrences. See your dentist for a formal check up to be sure.
Answered 2/16/2013
Yes: Anything that doesn't heal in 2 weeks is a problem sounds like it might be an infection secondary to either a tooth or gum issue.
Answered 8/20/2013
Needs evaluation: Anything that you question or are not sure about should be examined by a professional, in this case a dentist, to determine whether or not it is normal or not and whether or not it requires treatment. It is always better to be safe than sorry and things are best treated when caught early.
Answered 3/3/2013
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