A member asked:

I have a 7 inch mass in my breast. biopsy showed no cancer but the surgeon want to go back in and put a wire in to double check. is it really necessar?

6 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Need more info: Is your surgeon recommending removal of this mass? Needle-localization breast biopsy involves placement of a wire in the breast followed by surgical excision of non-palpable lumps. What did your pathology report state? If this is a fibroadenoma, we usually recommend removal of giant ones (bigger than 2-3 inches), since they often continue to grow & could be "cancer-like" phyllodes tumors.

Answered 7/9/2019


Dr. Kenneth Lee answered

Specializes in Surgery - Plastics

Yes : A fine needle biopsy or core biopsy may have a false negative- in other words- missed a cancer even if the biopsy is negative. This is especially true if the mass is large and there is no way to sample the whole thing without its removal.

Answered 1/27/2013



Probably yes!: Typically a 7 inch (18 cm.) mass in the breast would require surgical removal. Although a benign biopsy result is very comforting, when a mass is so large, it is impossible to evaluate the entire lesion for cancer without removal. Cancer may occupy part of a large mass and not involve other parts.

Answered 4/3/2013



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