A member asked:

I have numbness & tingling in neck & whole arm. hand and fingers are swollen, with some pain. what could cause this discomfort? this discomfort wakes me up in the middle of the night. ice don't work for the swelling. i also have an itch in the palm of my

6 doctors weighed in across 4 answers
Dr. Jeffrey Wint answered

Specializes in Hand Surgery

Neck : Neck issues, inflammatory arthritis, metabolic or endocrime deficiencs can all do this as well as the routine perpheral nerve compressive neuropathies.

Answered 10/3/2016



Sounds : Sounds like you have something going on in your neck that needs to get checked out. The nerves that travel into the arm start up in the neck. May end up being a "pinched nerve" which is not uncommon but see a neurologist and get it checked out. Best of luck.

Answered 10/4/2016



CTS: Numbness and tingling that awakens people from sleep is commonly carpal tunnel syndrome (cts). It is not uncommon for cts to travel up the arm. I would suggest an evaluation by a physiatrist or neurologist. May require emg/ncv testing.

Answered 4/24/2015


Dr. Zahid Niazi answered

Specializes in Cosmetic Surgery

Carpal Tunnel Syn: Nocturnal numbness &paresthesia associated with burning pain is fairly typical of nerve compressions like carpal tunnel with or without associated nerve compression in the neck.Your pcp will refer you to a neurologist for emg/nct to confirm/exclude the dignoses & you will then likely be referred to a hand surgeon.In interim, start using hand brace and nsaids.Md may inject steroid or Gabapentin tab.

Answered 8/23/2015



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