A : A stye is simply an inflamed oil gland in the eyelid. These are rarely infected and antibiotics usually don't help much. Warm compresses and gently massage help. Try putting a potato in the microwave for a couple of minutes and wrap a warm wet wash cloth around that. It will hold the heat longer than a wash cloth that was held under the hot water.
Answered 11/28/2018
Hot : Hot compresses are the first line of treatment. Get a washcloth and put very hot water on it (don't burn yourself!), and hold it over your eyelid. Re-heat it a few times so that you treat your eyelid for at least 5 minutes. Repeat this after school and at night until it gets better. If it is getting worse, you need to have your parent take you to the doctor to get it checked!
Answered 10/4/2016
First : First line of treatment for a stye is warm compress. If done properly, it will resolve the condition almost all the time. Warm compress should be applied for one hour each day. Not easy to do but will result in quick resolution.
Answered 10/4/2016
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