A member asked:

Is it common for adults to have cleft lip and cleft palate?

6 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Adam Hamawy answered

Specializes in Plastic Surgery

Rare in the U.S.: Most children born with cleft lips or palates in the U.S. Have them repaired when they are still infants. However, it is possible to see adults in some developing countries who never had the opportunity to have surgery as a child. Often they are social outcasts because of their appearance.

Answered 5/6/2016


Dr. David May answered

No: Because it is usually taken care of or heals during their youth.

Answered 12/10/2012


Dr. Dinh Bui answered

No: Cl/p develop during pregnancy and can be screen prenatal by taking transvaginal ultrasound at 18-20 weeks gestation. In the abscence of other fetal abnormailities (isolated clefts), only 40% cl/p are detected because of the fetal position often prevented good visualization of face. Hand and umbilical cord often lie immediately in front of the face in utero.

Answered 3/12/2013



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